About Us


An Integrative Medicine Office For All Your Wellness Needs

Treating the Person not the Symptom

Our office utilizes mainstream medical diagnosis and treatment protocols combined with an integrative/holistic medical approach for the treatment of all disease processes including autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, hormone imbalances, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, fibromyalgia pain,
orthopedic issues, etc. We utilize herbal and nutritional medicines as an adjunct treatment for a variety of illness to compliment our patients' care. We also utilize chiropractic manipulation, massage, and physical therapy to assist with all orthopedic complaints for the spine and extremities. We also work
intensively with sports injury rehabilitation. Dr. Cortesi incorporates a whole person approach to diagnosis instead of a symptom based treatment and always works with other providers of the healthcare team so as to utilize the best care for patients. We do not expect patients to engage in long term treatment plans. We provide honest and compassionate care as needed to maintain proper health and tailor treatment to each patient’s needs.
We treat our patients in the same manner that we expect to be treated period.


Established in 1997.
Southwest Holistic Chiropractic, ltd. opened in 1997 while Dr. Robert Cortesi was conducting research in conjunction the Aids Alternative Health Project and a Chicagoland Hospital in regards to altering the course of HIV infection T- cell counts with the use of nutritional medicinal protocols that he designed.
Dr. Cortesi presently utilizes functional Integrative nutritional and herbal medicine protocols to treat his patients as a primary care physician and chiropractic physician while occasionally instructing other health care providers in the proper use, quality control, interactions, and indications of nutritional and herbal medicines while maintaining relationships with his fellow medical and osteopathic physicians and all allied health partners.


Chronic fatigue syndrome , fibromyalgia, autoimmune illness, hormone imbalance, IBS/GI complaints, orthopedic complaints, arthritis, stenosis, disc protrusion, degenerative disc disease , tennis /golfers elbow , muscle strain /sprain, shoulder injuries , knee/ankle injuries, headaches , ankle and leg injuries, sports medicine complaints, common cold/ viral infection, chronic muscle pain, vestibular issues, attention/cognitive issues Nutritional medicine, Integrative Medicine, Functional Medicine,

We utilize

Chiropractic manipulation, and 

Physical therapy modalities including:

interferential current
low volt current /ultrasound combo,
hot moist packs,
soft tissue muscle work,
pnf stretching,
therapeutic exerecise/activities ,
cervical traction,
cox flexion distraction therapy
herbal medicines
nutritional medicines

Main Location


9875 West Lincoln Hwy #102,
Frankfort, IL 60423




9:30 AM – 6:30 PM


9:30 AM – 3:00 PM


9:30 AM – 6:30 PM




9:30 AM – 5:30 PM



